What Are the Benefits of an HVAC Air Filter 20x22x1?

Having an HVAC air filter 20x22x1 in your home or business can provide a number of benefits. Not only does it help to improve the air quality, but it also helps to protect your heating and cooling system from damage. This type of filter is especially effective in eliminating particles in the air that cause allergies and sinus irritation. In addition to the health benefits, this HVAC air filter also protects your heating and cooling system by making it work more efficiently and can reduce expensive repair bills.

It's important to note that when creating a filter with this tool, you should use the “real” filter size, as shown by the measuring tape, not a nominal filter size. A dirty filter restricts air flow to your HVAC system's air controller, making it work harder to cool or heat your home. If you have pets, children, or people with allergies in your home or business, replacing filters more frequently can help to maintain superior indoor air quality and reduce your energy costs. Discount Filters offers many different types of air filters at a discount to help you breathe better the air inside your home based on your specific needs.